IMPORTANT - We have a new registration system. Please use the SAME email you have used in the past when registering.
New WEMTA Mailing address: WEMTA 5329 Fayette Ave.Madison, WI 53713
Exhibit Hours and Set Up Times*: Sunday, March 22nd 2020 - set up 12:00pm to 6:30pm Monday, March 23rd 2020 - set up 7:00am to 10am Monday, March 23rd 2020 - booth hours 10:30am to 5pm Monday March 23rd 2020 - tear down/move out begins at 5pm, must be out by 8pm *When you arrive, please check in at the Registration Area across from the Exhibit Hall to get name badges, meal tickets, etc.
Booth cost (early bird) - $475 for WEMTA Business Members / $575 for non-members.
Booth cost (after 2/20/20) - $575 for WEMTA Business Members / $675 for non-members.
Lists of all conference attendees will be emailed to only exhibitors who are WEMTA members. (If you are not already a WEMTA member and would like to join before signing up for a booth to get the business member price, you can do so during the registration process after entering your email). All booth registrations come with up to 2 free boxed lunches on Monday.
Valley Expo - Exhibitors will work directly with Valley Expo for any additional items they may need for their booth (i.e. electricity). Booths include an 8' table, 2 chairs and draping.
For registration/payment questions, please contact the WEMTA office - or (608) 588-6006.
For all other questions, please contact the Exhibit Chair, Ann Bartel -
1502 W Broadway, Suite 102
Madison, WI 53713
Phone: (608) 588-6006
Email Us